Motorcyclist-friendly Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

Hotel Arkadia presents itself as a motorcyclist-friendly touring hotel partner house Corvara in the region "Bozen" and has 0 rooms and 0 beds. Single rooms can be booked here from a.A.Euro per night. Our motorcycle hotel is assigned by its location to the following tourist vacation regions: in Bozen ".
   Motorradfahrerfreundliches Hotel Arkadia Motorvriendelijk Hotel Arkadia Hôtel pour motards Hotel Arkadia Hotel per motociclisti Hotel Arkadia Hotel for motorcyklister Hotel Arkadia

Hotel Arkadia

Strada Burje , 11
39033 Corvara

BookingAs a Hangaround Partner, Hotel Arkadia is currently only visible with limited details until premium inclusion and bookable through our partner.

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  •  Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

    Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

  •  Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

    Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

  •  Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

    Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

  •  Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

    Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

  •  Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

    Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

  •  Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

    Hotel Arkadia in Corvara

loesch5204 988 03.05.2005 720

Motorcyclist-friendly in Corvara

Biker Special

Set for bikers

✔ Rags/Bucket/Water
    (for the little wash in between)
✔Small tool selection
✔ Road maps
✔ Motorrad-Zeitschriften

Where to go with the bike?

✔ Parking space
✔ Garage


Hotel description

To turn your holidays in the Dolomites into a relaxing and unforgettable experience, our beautiful Hotel Arkadia in Corvara awaits you with perfect service and maximum comfort. Enjoy the familiar atmosphere of our house in stylish and inviting rooms.

The Tyrolean-style Stube invites to spend some pleasant moments with friends and our beautiful lawn awaits you for sunbathing and relaxat.......

(As a hangover, currently only with a brief limited hotel description.)

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Eingebettet in märchenhafte Bergwälder und romantische Flusstäler liegt unser Haus im Herzen Deutschlands, dem Nationalpark Harz. Sie finden es in herrlich ruhiger Lage auf einer Anhöhe, am Stadtrand des bekannten Kur- und Wintersportortes Braunlage. Ob allein, in Begleitung oder mit der ganzen Familie – das Maritim Berghotel bietet vielseitige Möglichkeiten!
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